Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Driving Lessons

Today I learned a few things while driving:

1) I used to believe that no one would notice if I'm singing along to the radio. And if they did, they would think I was talking on the phone or something. Today I observed someone singing at the top of their lungs while they were driving. And they definitely looked like they were singing. And then I wondered what I looked like. And I wondered what Tiffany and I used to look like when we were driving in high school and we had choreography. Not that this is going to stop me.

2) I was driving behind a mini-van with a "Yes on Prop 8" sticker. And I felt this sudden urge to slam on the gas and ram my Saturn into their car. I'm not a violent person. In fact, in my 9 years of driving I've never honked my horn. I suppose I'm just really passionate?

3) The person who lives across the street from me has a car that beeps as they back up. As if they were a truck. It's extremely annoying when it wakes me up in the morning and just as annoying when I'm waiting to pull out of my driveway.

4) The people on my street are incapable of parking on the right side of the street. It's irritating.

5) Rain is not an excuse for not being able to merge. In fact, rain should make you want to merge properly.

6) I'm killer at driving in stilettos.

What driving lessons do you have?

P.S. Today was my first California voting experience. It was super exciting and I'm really stressed out about the results. Keeping my fingers crossed...and eagerly awaiting my free donut :)


Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha I always think the same thing when I'm singing in my car. I try and make little mouth movements when I'm in traffic, and really belt it out when I hit the highway... :)

Unknown said...

1. I totally sing in the car and do not care. Once, my window was down and I caught someone catch me ...I didn't stop.

2. I would have wanted to smash that Yes on 8 car too!!!

3. It was my first time voting as well. {although I'm old :)} I loved it!

Bayjb said...

I would want to slam the car with the Prop 8 too. I admire your resistance. I love singing in my car, I don't care what I look like :)