Friday, March 6, 2009

Weight Loss Spectacular - Week 3

So it's been a little more than 3 weeks since I've started this weight loss/eat better/looking hot regimen. I wish I could sy that that it hasn't been bad, that I love the gym, and I don't miss pizza at all.

That would make me a liar.

The first week was rough - I was crabby 24/7. Anytime I would see a food commercial on tv, I could feel my stomach say "one more time - you know you want it". For some reason Burger King commercials made me drool. And I don't even eat hamburgers. But I wanted it. The hardest part was that I drive past In N Out every day on my way home for school. How I dreamed of animal style fries. But I survived. The last 2 weeks have been somewhat easier. All crappy food is out of my house, so I'm forced to eat healthier things, which is good. And I've started to eat real breakfast again, something I haven't done since grade school. Nuts. I forgot how delicious breakfast can be.

The gym has been the better part of all this craziness. I made a killer gym mix on my ipod which keeps me motivated. How can you not want to run when you're listening to "Bust a Move"?

I also forgot what a great place the gym is to people watch. What characters did I see at my gym?

1) The guy in 90's AC Slater stone-washed jeans lifting weights: Last time I checked, jeans weren't the best work out attire.

2) Woman who clearly was into Jane Fonda's workout 20 years ago rocking a multi-colored leotard and spandex pants with scrunched socks: I'm not going to lie, I did a little staring when I saw her. I think my workout Barbie had the same outfit. But she was comfy and was singing along to her music, so work it out...

3) Man on the bike talking on cell phone as loud as possible. Actual Conversation: "Hey man...I can barely hear you, the music at the gym is too problem, I'll just scream so you can hear me."

4) The girl on the elliptical trainer in the sorority shirt and pink ipod...oh wait, that's me.

So here's the update: after 3 1/2 weeks, I have lost....12 pounds!!! I'm stoked. Let's hope this continues.

And that I can continue to stay away from the chocolate. Any suggestions for healthy sweet things would be great!


jenn said...

holy crap - thats awesome!!!! send me your workout plan, girl!

brandi said...

i could use some motivation... i wanna see the playlist!

jenn said...

i know...spring cleaning is a must, sometimes. if you un-friend they get a notice about it or anything? maybe they wouldn't even notice!

Melissa said...

Sounds like you are doing awesome!

Bayjb said...

That's so great! Losing weight and getting into a routine is tough, it takes time.

Anonymous said...

I'm the girl who gets so into her gym tunes (Beyonce-"Diva"!!!) that I forget I'm on the elliptical and try to dance a little and then almost fall off.