Wednesday, April 22, 2009

giving in to peer pressure

It's crunch time in the law school last say I thrilled, ecstatic, insanely excited, etc., would be an understatement.

I have 2 papers to write, an outline to prepare, and a take home exam that I'll pick up next week. While I've done a little work, there is oh so much to do.

But I haven't been working on these papers...

I've been reading Twilight.

The Bestie and Kahea have been bugging me to read it for months. I finally agreed to borrow the first 2 books from Kahea back in February. They sat on my coffee table watching the weeks go by. I wasn't going to give it to the peer pressure (not that these 2 ladies could ever pressure me in a bad way). Finally, I had a presentation to work on for class and I ran out of ways to procrastinate. So I picked it up expecting to be over it within 5 minutes.

I loved it.

I found myself being taken back to 1999 when I was 16 years old. I was a crazy giddy girl, slightly boy obsessed, and thought I knew everything. As I sat in my bed at 3 a.m. reading, I found myself laughing at parts because in a weird way, I could relate to some of it. Clearly I wasn't in love with a Vampire, though for one like Edward, I would have considered it.

I finished the first 2 and went out and bought the rest yesterday. Really Excited.

Is it bad that I'm 25 and loving this?


-ic0re said...

It really is so much fun, although I gotta admit I became very romantical and forelorn while reading it, and Cory was like wtf??? But its nice being able to have something to talk about with my, ah, 'coworkers'.


jenn said...

not at all - i'm not ashamed to admit i loved the books. :) be proud!!

Bayjb said...

So glad you're on the bandwagon. It is a great book and the series (minus the last one) is good too

Andhari said...

HAHAHAHAHA you get infeccccccccccccted! Good for youuuu, I love Twilight too :)

Anonymous said...

you're welcome. lol.