Friday, April 10, 2009

me minus 4 bags of sugar

Today is a good day.

Either my scale is lying to me or...

I'm down 20 pounds!!!

Out of control. Tonight is sushi/sake bombing for the boy's birthday, so I may ruin it. But that's totally worth it.


jenn said...

yayy!!! congrats!!

Shaina said...

Ummm holy crap!!!! 20 pounds???!! This is MAYJAH as Posh would say! :)

Andy - Instafather said...

That's amazing! Congrats. Now go eat a pizza.

Anonymous said...

AWESOME!!! you totally deserve a huge reward for the incredibly commitment to eating better. especially in the face of me eating jack in the box while i'm over at your house! lol.

Bayjb said...

That's amazing! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

20 pounds! I envy you. Congrats! I doubt the sake and sushi will make much difference.