I'm normally not a survey kind of gal. I used to do them back in the day when you would get 18 or so surveys from your friends in your AOL Mailbox (which was silly because you had received 10 or so surveys from those people before and the answers were the same). But my best friend/sista from another mista (like that?) said she wanted me to do it and I don't feel like reading for Wills & Trusts. So here we go:
A. Attached or single? Engaged to the dreamy Matt
B. Best friend? Tiffany
C. Cake or pie? So this is a tough one. I'm a really big fan of Baker's Square pie, namely the seasonal Strawberry Cream Cheese. But I probably could eat a funfetti cupcake everyday for the rest of my life. So I'll go with cake.
D. Day of choice? Saturday. No class on Fridays so I get a chance to catch up on sleep and work that day and Saturday is usually the day I take off from law school craziness.
E. Essential item? Hair Elastics. I usually have 2 around my wrist at any given time and go totally nuts when I don't. While I dig my hair when it's down, the possibility of not being able to pull it back when I want to makes me uncomfortable.
F. Favorite color? I really like pink and would probably say it's my favorite color...but I never wear pink clothes. I would say 50% of my shirts are black because it's the color that goes with everything (but this is a bad habit that I really need to stop).
G. Gummy bears or worms? Bears, always.
H. Hometown? Chicago Baby! I moved to the burbs when I was 10 but I will always call Chicago home.
I. Favorite indulgence? High heeled, peep toe shoes. Whenever I'm in a bad mood I go shoe shopping and it makes me feel better. Therefore, my closet needs more space.
J. January or July? July: While it's super humid in Chicago, watching the sunlight sparkle off the lake or watching the Cubs at Wrigley makes it totally worth it. And July in San Francisco is the perfect weather for driving with the windows down and singing at the top of my lungs.
K. Kids? Eventually. Probably 2 or 3. But right now Brodie is enough of a child for me.
L. Life isn’t complete without? Laughter. Nothing makes me feel better than laughing so hard that I'm crying.
M. Marriage date? October 2009
N. Number of brothers and sisters? An older brother. He's rad.
O. Oranges or apples? Oranges, mostly because I like the juice. And I really love clementines which are like mini oranges. Delish.
P. Phobias? Death. I have a huge fear of the unknown. And denim on denim.
Q. Quotes? "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." - Ferris Bueller
R. Reasons to smile? Cuddling with Matt. Brodie's ridiculous obsessesion with tennis balls. Totally random topic phone calls wih Tiffany. Dancing (I sometimes perform my old ballet routines when I'm home alone - it really makes me happy)
S. Season of choice? Summer. Flowers, skirt weather, baseball, beach. Fabulous.
T. Tag 5 people. Whoever wants to entertain me :)
U. Unknown fact about me? I never had the chicken pox. Whenever people talk about it I like to say "it couldn't be THAT bad" and laugh. Even though I got the shot I'm sure karma is going to get back at me.
V. Vegetable? Corn on the cob fresh off the grill and slathered in butter.
W. Worst habit? Wearing my contact lenses much longer than the 2-week period. But I'm cheap.
X. X-ray or ultrasound? Um...xray?
Y. Your favorite food? Lou Malnati's pizza. Ship one to me and I'll be your best friend.
Z. Zodiac sign? Taurus. According to AOL Horoscopes: "Taurus are noted for your determination. You get to where you are going, not because you are exceptionally fast or clever, but because Taurus will not be distracted from your goals. Your need for stability and simplicity can motivate Taurus to create a life for yourself that is quite functional, though it might seem boring to someone else. But Taurus aren't interested in taking unnecessary risks that can put your solid footing in jeopardy." Taurus Greatest Strength: Your sensible outlook on life; Taurus Possible Weakness: Accepting less than you can achieve." Wow...that's pretty accurate.
There you go folks, a little bit of Bianca from A-Z. Hope I helped you procrastinate just as much as writing it helped me.