Sunday, September 21, 2008

Do Do Do Do You Have It GUTS!!!

A few things:

1. Do people remember this?:

Well my friends, apparently it's back...sort of. Meet

Weird, right? I'm not sure how I feel about it. But I think it's kinda the same, Astro-Crag and all. I'm sure in a moment of despair, aka drowing in law school reading, I'll procrastinate and watch it. I'll be sure to report back.

2) Josh Groban's Emmy Medley = Genius. I wanted to take deep breaths for him. I can't decide which part I like better: "South Park" or "Baywatch"

3) The Cubs are officially in the playoffs. FUCK YES!!!

Hope you all had a lovely weekend :)


Tiffany said...

guts with Mo was awesome, and the Mike guy who then went on to the TV show Yes Dear which was medium funny.

i need to watch the josh groban thing.

miss you love you!

So@24 said...

D-d-d-do do do you have IT GUTS!

I love you for this.

Guts was AMAZING.

I swear I posted a comment before, it must have not gone through.

And yes, Mike O'Malley is who Tiffany is thinking of. The Mo they have now has a British accent, but doesn't wear the uniform... it's just not the same